DG David Alexander comes for a visit with IPDG Scott Marcin!
On Monday, September 9th President Cathy Piciulo introduced PDG Scott Marcin, who read a bio and introduced DG Dave Alexander as our guest for our meeting. Dave spoke about the District; we have 60 clubs; 2000 Rotarians and how the District is here to support the Clubs. There is so much history with our Club that we should start sharing it with the community- from past Club Members serving big District roles to Art Gallery pieces...Dave encouraged us to visit the Shoreline trail on the Canadian side located on the Greater Niagara Circle Route. He would like to see more pollinator gardens too as well in our community. We are the 5th oldest Club in the District! DG David was joined by IPDG Scott Marcin and Scott presented Past President Brandon Baltz with a Rotary Citation Award  for the 2023-2024 Rotary Year and announced that Brandon will be serving as our Assistant Governor for the next 3 years in Area 10. Area 10 consists of the BNMC Rotary, Buffalo Sunrise Rotary, Rotary Club of Buffalo and us!
Dave inspired our club and it was great that we had a well-attended meeting! To show his appreciation to our club, Dave donated to our 100/100 fund! Thank you so much!!!. He also treated us all to a Canadian delight…Coffee Crisp candy bars! President Cathy was ecstatic to present Dave with our Club banner!!!